Recommended by:
Rachael Risby-Raz
‘Took 3 eight year olds to the Temple Mount Sifting Project this afternoon. Around three hours…we had an explanation and sifted…found some mosaic tiles! Then we did (but didn’t finish) the sort of scavenger hunt/trivia cell phone run around the national park game (I’m sure it had a proper name but too tired to remember). Best time of year to go! Not too hot and lots of flowers. Good time had by all. Cost 130 shekels plus ice creams. Probably best for 8-12 year olds.’
Hands-on activity/dusty/fun
How to reach the City of David National Park –
Safe, Convenient Directions from their website:
If you are coming in a private vehicle, it is important to know that it is hard to find parking near the Western Wall and the City of David. Therefore, we recommend coming to the Karta Parking Lot and the Mamilla Parking Lot located near Jaffa Gate (from there, you can come by foot or with a taxi)
Arrival from the entrance of Jerusalem:
After you have passed the Gesher HaMetarim (Bridge of Strings) at the entrance of the city, continue straight to Zalman Shazar Street. To your right, you will see the large, prominent buildings of Binyanei HaUma (the International Convention Center). The road veers to the right; continue with it to Ben Zvi Blvd. Pass two traffic signals, and at the third, when you see the Wolfson Towers to your left, turn left. After a short ascent, you will reach an additional signal, where you should turn right at a flashing yellow signal for pedestrians onto Binyamin Metudela Street. Drive the length of the road until you reach the next signal, where you will turn left onto Azza Street. Continue driving on Azza Street. Before the next intersection with a signal, you will pass the Prime Minister’s Residence on your right, and continue toward “Kikar Tzarfat,” with the Kings Hotel on your left. At the signal, continue straight, and merge onto Agron Street, which will lead you eastward toward the Old City. At the next signal, continue straight and cross over King David Street; on your left, you will see the Mamilla Parking Lot, and immediately after it, the Karta Parking Lot.