Beach Clean Up Israel is organizing a countrywide beach clean-up from North to the South.
The goal is to reach every single beach in Israel at the same time and leave no LEAVE NO TRACE of trash!
The plastic pollution is no longer a problem we can ignore, its damages are felt and seen, and it is threating the sea and the biodiversity. Let’s unite for this cause and help them break a world record that has never been seen before!
What to bring?
Yourself, water, and most importantly- GOOD ENERGY!
So spread the word, RSVP, share, invite your family and friends and help make history.
If you love the beach as well and want to be a part of something big, SIGN UP BY CLICKING HERE! http://anu.org.il/nikayon Note that if the beach near you is not listed, then they already have enough people registered to clean there and have removed it from the list (to adhere to health guidelines).
Please share photos with us if you go! This is an amazing project to be a part of!