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When & How will Israel's National Parks Re-open?

Latest update from N12 news, reports on the plans to finally open up the first 20 National Park sites very soon!

In addition, zimmers and guesthouses where rooms are separated are starting to open as long as they can meet the required conditions (including social distance).

The National Parks will operate differently and will now only let in people who have pre-booked and paid online for two-hour time slots. You cannot turn up at the parks without having booked. This will enable them to restrict the number of people at the site at any one time to help with social distancing. This is a method employed in many other countries in order to help preserve nature sites and might well be the way sites in Israel will continue to operate from now on!

Keep checking the National Parks website for when they update with booking information.

Here is the list of National Parks preparing to open:

The booking form will look like this:

Keep checking LoveLoveIsrael for updates of when these sites will actually open!

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