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Volunteering with Soldiers – Standing Together

Updated: Apr 4, 2020



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Miriam Gottlieb


About Standing Together

Standing Together’s mission is to give the worldwide community an opportunity to show our appreciation to the young men and women of the Israel Defense Forces. Standing Together, run almost entirely by volunteers, includes as many people as possible in expressing gratitude to the soldiers who risk their lives everyday for the safety of the people, visitors and holy places of Israel. With our truck and Hospitality Trailer, Standing Together volunteers visit IDF soldiers regularly to offer support, gratitude, treats, hot and cold drinks and smiles. This encourages the soldiers to keep up their hard work. Standing Together is constantly looking for new ways to make a difference in the lives of those who make a difference in Israel.

We bring volunteers to visit army bases and give out cold treats in the summer, warm treats in the winter in order to show our support for the soldiers. Each outing costs us thousands of shekels between the cost of the ices, drinks etc and the cost of running the vehicle and the freezers. We are happy to take families out to the soldiers but we need sponsors in order to cover our costs.

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