Have you ever seen a Sukkah on a boat? On a camel? A Sukkah on a Sukkah? Be amazed by the imaginative Sukkot on display at Neot Kedumim!
If you are looking for a meaningful and fun day out during the Sukkot holidays, Neot Kedumim has it all.
From Tuesday 18th October until 20th October, Neot Kedumim will be reviving an ancient market place with antique mirrors and incenses, candles and olive oils. Village artisans will make demonstrations of ancient practices, such as basket weaving and pottery and there will be an array of natural arts and crafts activities. Children will also have the opportunity to dress up in authentic costumes of old and take home a photograph as a souvenir.
If you have ever wondered what different ways you can build a Sukkah, you will be fascinated by the Sukkah display! Every Sukkah, whatever its size or shape, has been made according to the Mishna – with explanations as to which are kosher and which are not!
In addition to all these activities there will be plenty of musical interaction – with happy and fun music to go with the jostle of the marketplace, including a musical performance. There will also be a performance of “Magic Spice”, an amusing play based on the amusing story of Rabbi Judah and his wife, the Roman emperor and a ‘mysterious’ spice that the Emperor was determined to find out what it was.
To get to the market, visitors can choose from two different routes. The short, 1km route will take families directly to the market area. The longer 2Km route will take visitors en route of the well where they can draw water from the well as well as gazebo displaying the four species (as used in the mitzvah on Sukkot) where you will hear the fascinating story about the unique way in which they are selected and their symbolism. There will also be pony rides (for an extra charge) as well as the park train or bike hire (extra charge)
Sukkot, Tuesday through Thursday, October 18-20, from 9: 00-17: 00 (Last entry 15: 00) Cost: 40 ₪ per person from age 3 Details and additional information: 08-9770770 and their Website.
LoveLoveIsrael Tips:
*Get there before it even opens to enjoy some quieter time there before the crowds arrive. You will be so happy when you leave and see the cars parked for miles down the road! *Bring a picnic (there are plenty of Sukkot to eat your sandwiches in) and plenty of water!*Don’t forget to throw your trash in a trash can or take it with you!
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