1 min

Ein Aviel

Location: https://maps.google.com/?q=32.537506,34.991241

Water Trail near Zichron Yaakov

Photo Credit: Ashlea Verstandig Lahat

Recommended by

Ashlea Verstandig Lahat

Ein Aviel. Waze took me an awful way through fields and dirt roads, really not what my car was made for. I’m attaching a location through google maps to use.
We got there at 9:15ish and that’s the time to go. Not a lot of shady areas but we caught the best spot. We stayed there for about 5 hours. You can walk up and down the stream, there are deep pools (1.60-.170) that suddenly become very shallow so you can walk/swim through or go up and walk around on the side dirt road to avoid the deep pools.
Someone came with a buggy (those very simple ones) but I didn’t and it was fine (1.5 yo). No need to book or pay.